Least wholesome NJPW WORLD Official video thumbnail

Least wholesome NJPW WORLD Official video thumbnail

  1. This makes me happy, especially with what ELP was going through earlier in the tournament.

  2. The spot in the tag match where ELP locked in the titty twister on El Desperado and let go after Shota yelled “Hey, we babyface, no more heel, we babyface. Stop.” only for Desperado to lock in a titty twister on both Shota and ELP, which then leads Tama and Tonga to each lock in a titty twister on Desperado, before Desperado counters with an eye rake, leading to a 4-man big boot and group celebration is the Spot of the Year. Shut it down, its over, nothing is topping it. Best spot since ELP locked the titty twister on Sting at Forbidden Door 1 only for Sting to no-sell it and kick his ass.

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