On the verge of clawing my throat out with this shitty strep throat

So right now I have a combination of strep and fever and it’s destroying me. The fever isn’t an issue in the slightest, I can just sleep that away. But this strep, oh man, every time I eat, drink, swallow my spit, stand up, BREATHE, I feel like I’m downing glass shards through my esophagus. It’s even hurting my eardrum for whatever reason and I am this close to just offing my neck with a guillotine so I don’t have to suffer this shit anymore

Anyhow, can you all recommend me a over the counter medicine/antibodies so I can recover from this quickly? Would really appreciate it, eating honey and gargling salt water isn’t doing anything for me anymore

  1. Please go see a doctor and get prescription antibiotics! It very likely won’t go away on its own and untreated may lead to complications. Also you will feel better with the proper treatment and won’t get others sick as easily. Call ahead and let the clinic know about your symptoms in advance.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery, strep throat sucks.

  2. If it’s strep you need antibiotics otherwise it could get worse

    I currently have terrible mouth ulcers and similarly can’t talk eat or swallow easily…the doctor said it was strep and prescribed antibiotics but….I’m pretty sure it’s herpangina, look it up, might be what you have. Similar to hand foot and mouth disease. I think it’s what I have because my kids had rashes and other symptoms of what causes it. If so it’s viral and antibiotics won’t do anything 🙁 but you can read about how to treat symptoms

    Good luck

  3. Doesn’t strep throat require antibiotics? You should probably acquire some of those. Strep can get pretty serious if left untreated (rheumatic fever, among other complications).

  4. Not a doctor. Please seek actual medical advice.

    Son just had hand foot mouth. Couldn’t even stand to eat ice cream. Nurse suggested liquid antacid. Mylanta. Even if only enough to apply with a quip. We gave him a tiny amount up to 4x a day right before ate.. A swallowing worth.

    He was eating and drinking much better.

  5. Definitely see a doctor, you need penicillin. In the meantime, you can gargle hydrogen peroxide, you’ll feel like shit at first but it will temporarily ease the pain quite a bit

  6. I had two nasty bouts of this last year after the kids brought it back from their daycare. It WON’T get better without antibiotics, so hit up an ENT today, if not sooner.

  7. You can’t know if you have strep without a throat swab, so follow the advice people are giving here and **go to a doctor ASAP.** I’ve had confirmed strep throat many times, and I’ve had the same symptoms other times when it wasn’t strep.

    To get treatment and relief, you need to find out what you’re dealing with, and if it is strep, you need antibiotics. There are no OTC medicines that will treat strep, even if they give you temporary pain relief. GOOD LUCK!

  8. If you’re still on the fence about going to a doctor – even if it’s just a really sore throat, they can give you a prescription for throat spray that will be FAR more effective than anything you can buy OTC, and will still cost less than the OTC stuff.

    If it actually is strep or some other infection, they can also give you the medicine to actually clear it up.

    There’s literally no downside to it for you.

  9. If you cared about getting better, you’d go to a doctor. But as you clearly don’t care enough, why would you expect people on Japanlife to care?

    Just FYI strep can become deadly if untreated with antibiotics.

  10. Go to the doctor. It might be flu or covid or bacterial infection. I am recovering from one right now.

    and the money you spend on the doctor is not that different compared to OTC

  11. Go to a doctor, now.

    I had the same thing 2 weeks ago, and it just kept getting worse.

    Went to an ENT clinic, got a prescription for a cocktail of drugs, and the entire thing went away in 2 days. Doc+meds cost under 3000yen.

    It will *not* heal on its own, and can lead to really serious issues.

  12. Go see a doctor.

    Whenever I feel bad and it doesn’t go away for 2 days, I always visit my local clinic, unless it’s something serious then I immediately go.

  13. Call an ambulance and get to a hospital for proper treatment. Don’t try finding one yourself, they’re mostly closed, let the ambulance company find one for you. Strep can kill you quickly.

    When asked you have a sore throat, fever, and most importantly difficulty breathing. That last one makes this an emergency they’ll take seriously.

  14. You need antibiotics or things are going to get a whole lot worse. There is nothing OTC that will help you with strep.

    You need to go to an emergency hospital (救急病院) or an emergency clinic (救急診療所, I think?). Google for the 医師会 in your area and then find a clinic or hospital that is open.

    Don’t delay, this will only get worse if you do.

  15. I’d take some ringl alpha 200 to hold you over if going to the doctors isn’t an option.
    Ringl alpha 200 is just pure ibuprofen with nothing else. doesn’t have other useless crap.

  16. I thought I posted earlier but can’t find my comment. This is the new variant of Covid probably. I had it and it was awful. I had the throat pain and even vomited a few times. When I bent over my throat would somehow get water in it and I’d choke. It was bad.

    Go to the hospital and get meds.

    Soup, yogurt and ice cream really helped me a lot. Unlike a normal sore throat constantly sipping on something actually brought my pain waaaay down.

  17. Please go see a doctor!

    I had strep throat last year and I know how painful it is.

    taxi or whatever, saving money is not worth the pain.

    coming from a guy who always get either Strep Throat or tonsillitis every year….

  18. Go to a doctor, they’ll take you in specially cause you have a fever. I’ve had a strep throat a couple of times since I first arrived. They even hooked me up on an iv once cause the swelling was really bad. Also, they might or might not run a Covid test on you.

  19. I got an appointment with American Clinic Tokyo—they conducted an online appointment, since I also had fever and sore throat. They sent my antibiotics over to a pharmacy right by my Airbnb, and everything was hunky dory.

    Get an itemized bill, should you need to contest any charges. But overall, the whole process was fast, and the doctor I saw spoke English.

  20. It could be COVID. Some clinics are still OPEN tomorrow. I got COVID two weeks ago and the symptoms are the same. I still have a sore throat and these past two weeks were the hell.

  21. Oh man it seems like everyone in Tokyo has strep throat right now. Two of my kids and my husband just got over it, and yeah it required antibiotics. Yea and honey and hot toddies were not cutting it.

  22. You need to see a doctor and get on antibiotics.

    You can die from Strep or have long term damage if untreated.

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