Is this a lot for one person? It’s all vegetarian. It was my second time going to this sushi place and both times the waiter was genuinely shocked by how much I ordered and checked multiple times that I understood how much I was ordering. She said I don’t “look like I eat this much”.

I’m used to going to all you can eat places where I would order as much as i could eat so maybe this has skewed my perspective of how much i should order?
I’m a 24F.

  1. Those rolls look incredible. Some people can just eat more than others despite their size (see: some of those Japanese professional food eaters) Also I think seeing good sushi instantly makes my appetite double. Ordering it all at once probably makes it seem like more too. If you ordered 2 rolls, then another 2, they might find it less strange, but who cares? You do you

  2. Honestly I usually get 4 special rolls, 6 nigiri, and a Seaweed salad so I think you are fine lol.

  3. My ex and I ordered 40 pieces of sashimi once as an appetizer. They refused. We finally talked them into it, and ate every bite. Plus a bunch of other things.

  4. I hate when that happens. It makes me uncomfortable because it’s like saying omg I can’t believe you’re going to eat all that. It makes me dislike going there again.

  5. It’d be a lot for my wife and I at least. We ordered a couple different rolls the other day and have been eating them for a few days here and there now.

  6. I could put away a similar quantity, but maybe not that much rice. That’s a lot of rice on that plate. I would need half of that to be sashimi.

  7. Looks amazing. I’m use to AYCE sushi too. Me or my friends wouldn’t have a problem finishing this plate.

  8. When I go to all you can eat sushi I usually get 2 special rolls that are mostly raw fish, 6 nigiri and a couple egg rolls. Delicious!

  9. me and my dad are about the same weight but he’s got about 6 in on me heightwise. (yes im fat) when we go to sushi he eats about 6 or 8 rolls and I only eat two. honestly I think it just depends on the person.

  10. At our usual spot, they know not to ask me and my wife stupid questions like that anymore.

  11. Seems like a lot, but I’m a light eater. If that fits you appetite though, enjoy yourself! Looks good.

  12. Yeah I’d go for all that. Not weird, imo. However, I’ve been out to eat where people order 1, mayyyybe 2 rolls and I order many. I have also gotten strange looks for it. One time the waiter thought I was ordering for the table

  13. For me its a lot but I could slam at least 3/4th easily. Different people eat different amounts so who cares 🙂

  14. Haha, well done! Every time I ordered sushi (usually from same place, every week) they give me 3 sets of chopsticks and then they realized when I dined-in once or twice that it was alllll just for me.

  15. I eat this amount and get the same reaction. I don’t find sushi to be a particularly satiating food so I order a lot.

  16. Personally, as a fatty who also over-orders… I haaaate when people make those types of comments. Let me live my life and make my own decisions to eat ungodly amounts of sushi! 🤪 I usually do one speciality roll and then sashimi and nigiri. Like 8 pieces!

  17. That’s definitely not a shocking amount, I could probably eat much more than that tbh. Not to mention it’s just rude to make comments like that about someone

  18. Did i count it wrong or is that 28 rolls of sushi? Yes it’s quite a lot. Not fat shame worthy a lot but it’s a meal all right.

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