Doubts about living in Japan for a 6 month period

Hello, I am from Mexico, I am planning to “move” to Japan at the beginning of next year. My plan is not to move completely, I want to stay 6 months, go back to my country for a while, 6 months in Japan and so on. I would like to know if in your experience it is possible to rent an apartment, have health insurance, have a small part-time job, buy a car, etc. Another doubt is about the city, I have only been once and my favorite city to live in is Hiroshima, but I am not 100% sure. Also, I would appreciate any extra advice.Thank you in advance.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Doubts about living in Japan for a 6 month period**

    Hello, I am from Mexico, I am planning to “move” to Japan at the beginning of next year. My plan is not to move completely, I want to stay 6 months, go back to my country for a while, 6 months in Japan and so on. I would like to know if in your experience it is possible to rent an apartment, have a small part-time job, buy a car, etc. Another doubt is about the city, I have only been once and my favorite city to live in is Hiroshima, but I am not 100% sure. Also, I would appreciate any extra advice.
    Thank you in advance.

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  2. Renting an apartment, getting health insurance, getting a bank account, finding a (legal) part time job will absolutely not happen if you don’t have a proper visa in Japan. Just coming and going on a tourist visa will not allow any of these things.

    Sure you could come and go on a tourist visa with limited time and stay in guest houses or share houses and you could maybe find illegal work, but that doesn’t solve any long term problems or goals and would probably create more problems for you than not.

  3. We Mexicans can enter Japan and stay for 90 days with our passports (I believe a return ticket might also be needed). You can apply for a 90 day extension if you can give proof of having enough money support yourself during that time.

    You cannot get a formal job in Japan unless you have a work visa which depends on having a contract from a Japanese employer to apply for a Certificate of Eligibility in the Japanese embassy back home. Once approved, your visa will be exchanged for a residence permit upon arrival. You will also need a sponsor that may as well be the employer.

    Even if you have a work visa, navigating Japanese bureaucracy will be difficult (i.e. opening a bank account, getting a phone number, finding an apartment, etc.). So, as a tourist, despite the duration of your stay, you won’t be able to buy a car (or even rent in some cases), rent an apartment, or have a national health insurance (you could use a traveler’s insurance).

  4. I’m Mexican too and looked into this, the 6 month stay also requires a extension approval so u might not get it every time and u can’t work on any the visa free travel paid or even volunteer work fr room and board. Otherwise if they find out they can deport u and ban u from the county fr like 5 yrs or something or worse u get in a Japanese jail and are stuck there for a long time. Don’t make our people look bad dude, either move legitimately or just enjoy the super long vacay of 6 months if u Can afford it 😾

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