Do I stand a chance at getting PR?

Seeking advice on weather I should apply for PR or if it seems like it’d be a lost cause given how strict the requirements are

I’m on a spouse visa, will be married for 3 years in October. Got my first visa in 2021, and received a 3 year visa in 2022. I think these are the first requirements that I successfully meet.

The areas that could disqualify me:

My husband and I are both self employed. I make all my income through PayPal transactions. Neither of us receive pay checks through Japanese companies. Even if our bank accounts show the required amount to be eligible for PR, I think not having a japanese employer could be a problem.

I leave Japan for 2-3 months each year. Because I have the freedom to do so, I go back to America to avoid the Japanese summer and see my family. So my passport shows for the past 2 years I’ve left Japan from June-September although I do return for the rest of the year.

I believe I could attempt to apply after my 3 year marriage anniversary in October, but based off this information, is there even a point? Maybe an automatic rejection?
Any input is very appreciated, thank you!!

  1. Even if your income is foreign based, that shouldnt be an issue assuming all your taxes health insurance and pension payments are all in order.

  2. 1. Plenty of people are self or unemployed when they get PR through the family route. You and your spouse’s tax returns are what they’re going to care about.

    2. Have you also neen paying your social insurance/taxes/etc based off the income you have hopefully been declaring being a resident of Japan and spouse a citizen?

    3. Unlike a lot of countries Japan “resident” doesn’t mean physically present. The year I applied I was out of the country almost 6 months on business trips, it was never questioned.

    4. If costs nothing to apply and they’ll tell you if there’s a problem with your application.

  3. I’m guessing that your husband is Japanese. If so, then I’m pretty sure that, as his spouse, even with no income you could apply as long as he is making enough money to support both you. (They might consider it unusual if it was the other way around.)

    I have no idea how you are conducting your business or getting money but I am guessing that you have registered your own company or are at least are registered with the tax office as a freelancer/ individual company. If so, then you do work for a Japanese company.. you!. If you are effectively running a company without registering a company with tax office that might need sorting out. Get advice if necessary.

    If you are spending most of the year in Japan and paying taxes in Japan then your travel abroad should be no problem. Near 50/50 residence might raise eyebrows.

    I would advise contacting an immigration lawyer (¥5000/hr) for advice. I’m sure they will be able to settle everything within 30 mins because you don’t seem to have too many problems. Spouse -> PR is probably the easiest route to PR if everything is in order.

  4. If you’re serious about getting PR, talk to an immigration lawyer – many do free or cheap consultation sessions.

    You and your husband will walk them through all of this (including showing how much you have saved, verifying that you’ve been paying taxes properly & social insurance on time, etc), and they’ll give you a realistic assessment of how good your chances are.

    It’s absolutely worth the time, and in general I always recommend people hire a lawyer/scrivener to help them through the process. Worked for me and many friends.

  5. Waiting until you’ve been here 5 years would be a little more helpful. Along with getting a 5-year visa.

    Do you have enough money in your bank accounts? Have you paid all your taxes?
    Have you paid all of your pension and healthcare obligations?

  6. If you got a 3 year spouse visa you wont get rejected for PR unless you missed some tax payments. Be careful though as that can include your husband

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