People that rely on expensive medication that moved to Japan, how did you manage?

I live in the UK and take CIMZIA (certolizumab pegol) for psoriatic arthritis, I have a somewhat severe case so lower forms of medication like tablets don’t work for me, my medication is available in Japan and I know how the NHI works roughly where I’ll be expected to pay 30% of the price but how complicated is it to actually get the medication?

I’m not sure how much my medication costs in japan, I believe I saw somewhere that it costs roughly £800 for a months supply but I haven’t been able to find that website since to confirm, I’m just worried in case I have to go through an incredibly long process of trying different medications like I did with my initial diagnosis since I’m in a new country or if having an official diagnosis from my own country can speed things up if I bring a translated letter from my doctor or something discussing my diagnosis and what does and doesn’t work for me

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **People that rely on expensive medication that moved to Japan, how did you manage?**

    I live in the UK and take CIMZIA (certolizumab pegol) for psoriatic arthritis, I have a pretty severe case so lower forms of medication like tablets don’t work for me, my medication is available in Japan and I know how the NHI works roughly where I’ll be expected to pay 30% of the price but how complicated is it to actually get the medication?

    I’m not sure how much my medication costs in japan, I believe I saw somewhere that it costs roughly £800 for a months supply but I haven’t been able to find that website since to confirm, I’m just worried in case I have to go through an incredibly long process of trying different medications like I did with my initial diagnosis since I’m in a new country or if having an official diagnosis from my own country can speed things up if I bring a translated letter from my doctor or something discussing my diagnosis and what does and doesn’t work for me

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  2. >I’m just worried in case I have to go through an incredibly long process of trying different medications like I did with my initial diagnosis since I’m in a new country or if having an official diagnosis from my own country can speed things up if I bring a translated letter from my doctor or something discussing my diagnosis and what does and doesn’t work for me

    You’ll need to get your diagnosis confirmed (or completely re-diagnosed) in Japan. However, bringing your files/case history/any supporting documents will *significantly* speed up that process.

    You should bring as much documentation as you can, along with a decent stockpile of your medication to tide you over while the confirmation/diagnosis process is happening.

  3. There is a [maximum amount of medical care an individual can pay per month based on their income]( (that is a specific provider’s website, but it should apply to all). I believe you can either apply in advance for your payments to stop at that amount, or apply for a refund if you already paid above that amount. Since this would be ongoing, it would fall under “The Cost-Sharing Maximum Amount will be reduced for frequent qualification of expenditures” on that linked page and the maximum would be 44,400 yen for an average salary.

  4. I have PsA. I was taking Humira for less than a year when I moved. I was able to come to Japan with I think 3 months supply. To get my diagnosis confirmed I found a rheumatologist and showed him my medical records and he started a new prescription for me.

    One issue I’ve run into is that doctors in seem unfamiliar with PsA as it has a very low incidence rate here. Fortunately I was stable for a long time and just kept on with Humira. Eventually it started to work less effectively and I spoke to the same doctor about it. He owns his own hospital so he had me see one of his Internal Medicine Doctors who had some experience treating RA. She did a lot of research and listened to me and took my feedback, and she switched me over to Taltz. It’s working okay. Not as good as Humira in its prime, but I manage. Finding a good rheumatologist has not been easy in Fukuoka, where I live, but there are supposed to be some good doctors familiar with PsA in Tokyo. It’s been a bit unconventional, but I’ve been able to navigate it.

    Overall I pay maybe USD equivalent of about $300-$350 for my meds. I usually get 2 months at a time and there’s a program that you can enroll in that will limit your monthly medical expenses to a certain amount so that helps.

    Feel free to ask me any other questions.

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