Mynumber paper card not correct?

Hello, I’m starting at a new company and my boss wants my Mynumber, so I showed him my ancient paper card with the number on it. I’ve done that before and had no problem. However he is claiming that the Mynumber is incorrect because it is a paper card, and that I need to apply for the plastic card to get my correct Mynumber. This seems really strange, can anyone tell me if this is correct?

  1. Your boss sounds like an idiot. He just needs your number itself. Your number never ever changes once you get it. If you got the plastic card it would be the exact same number. You can even just get a copy of your juminhyo with your my number on it as well and it’s all the same.

  2. The MyNumber on it won’t be incorrect. However, firstly I am pretty sure the paper cards are now obsolete. Secondly, if the address on the back of the paper card does not match your address then it’s also invalid (impossible to now update the address on it, because like I mentioned, they are obsolete)

    If you don’t want to get a MyNumber card (which is soon to basically be quasi-mandatory when replace health insurance cards and basically mandatory for foreigners when it replaces zairyu cards) then you can give your employer a copy of your juminhyo with your MyNumber visible on it.

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