Should I be using a core2k/6k/10k deck alongside genki and rtk to help build vocab? Or is it better to stick to just the genki vocab for now

I’m just starting my journey and plan on studying about 1-1.5hrs a day. I’ve already got the kana down. I don’t have a specific goal but I’m hoping to be able to do some basic reading within a year. Should I be working through a dedicated vocab deck to help build my vocab? Or is it better to focus on working through genki for grammer, just using the genki vocab, and working through rtk for kanji? I’m worried about overwhelming myself with too many things to memorize each day, and then forgetting most of it.

Also, should I be physically writing out grammer points/vocab/kanji repetitively to help with memorization or is it fine to just use Anki?

Sorry if this seems like a stupid question, just feeling a bit overwhelmed. Not sure if this belongs as a post or daily thread question

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