Daily Boss Super Premium Deluxe Stupid Questions Thread – 12 August 2023

Now daily! Feel free to ask any silly stupid questions or not-so-silly stupid questions that you haven’t had a chance to ask here. Be kind to those that do and try to answer without downvoting. Please keep criticism and snide remarks out of the thread.

  1. Does anyone know of archives of war-era and immediately post-war maps? I’m looking to find records of a particular set of roads/streets and streetcars in the West Tokyo area from about 1942 to about 1947 or 1948. The area was just on the edge of the firebombed area, but I’m not sure when this particular area was bombed. It’s no problem if the archives are only in Japanese.

  2. Is there any reason not to leave my ETC2 card in my bike in the reader? It’s locked under the seat and, except for a few hours a week, is sitting in my parking spot in front of my house. Thanks!

  3. Wondering people’s opinion on burgers (is it just me question) : I find a lot of super good burgers, but quite often, I find the patty to be dry, unpleasant texture wise, almost like overcooked sausage, not even tasting beef. Especially obvious when tasting the patty separately. I’ve noticed this in places are highly recommended (either by Japanese or foreigners), like blackows to name one example. Wondering if there’s something I’m misunderstanding in this style of burger.

  4. The mufj bank ATMs won’t allow me to deposit my coins in the machines and the screen says notes only. This is at the biggest branch site in the city. What kind of a cruel joke is this?

  5. My work van is pretty shit at fuel economy and I really want a little Kei car to put around in when I’m not working. How crappy are sub ¥100k Kei cars? I know that regular cars with only 100k km on the engine (like not even half the life of the car) are decent and cheap but I’m curious about a Kei car.

  6. Have you ever bought an event ticket from a stranger on Twitter? If so, how did that go?

    I’m trying to get a Summersonic Tokyo Saturday ticket – there are quite a few resellers, but some dodgy ones asking for Amazon gift cards or Paypay transfer. Some with zero followers – could just be protecting their privacy… or a scam.

    Is there anything else I should be wary of?

    Are there actual physical tickets or wristbands at this point that I could go and collect?

    Does anyone have any other suggestion for getting one marginally over cost price other than Twitter?

  7. Is a buyer not communicating, not writing anything, then leaving a 残念 review on mercari with nothing written in it grounds to have it removed/reviewed? Japanese internet seems to go one way or another.

    I don’t care about them not writing anything in the chat, I still messaged them when they purchased and when I sent it, and I left them a good review. There was absolutely nothing wrong with what I sent them, I packaged it really well at a large cost to myself, and had pictures from every angle. I understand there are severely picky people, but this account has 40+ transactions completed in the past week and they never leave anything but a blank review for the sellers. I do seem to be the only one they left something bad for recently, but out of the reviews I can see they’ve left 25% bad reviews for the seller. It just feels scummy.

  8. Since premier league has started. Whats the best and cheapest way to watch it with English Commentary?
    Back then I remember using vpn , switching to canada and using dazn to watch it.

  9. Has anyone every had problems using suica with a vending machine?

    Last night I tried several times to purchase a drink in the station’s vending machine but nothing came out. The little screen by the suica pad even showed my balance. I ended up paying with cash and got the drink I wanted.

    It wasn’t a problem of being out of stock nor a problem of insufficient funds.

    I’m just worried that it ate my money and I have no way to check or prove that it did. When I arrived at my station my balance seemed a bit lower than I thought it should be, but I was pretty tired so I might have misremembered the balance from before.

  10. I am looking for a wok. I just need a small one, ideally one with a handle like a pan, one where I can fry the daylight out of my veggies, so it has to take the heat (gas). And one that doesn’t break the bank, as it’s all a bit experimental.

    So what am I looking for? Iron, stainless, aluminium? What to avoid? What else?

    Thanks bunches!

  11. Let’s say I’m 37 years old, male, have PR and about 3 million yen in savings. I’m fluent in Japanese and have so-so spoken English. Also, let’s say I need to start a completely new career from scratch AND provide for a family (wife and 1 child) while doing so.

    Given the age and family situation and ignoring my previous professional background, what are some fields I could realistically pivot to and expect at least a semi-decent income and opportunity for growth? I know I can’t expect much with those starting conditions, but I want to at least make enough to let my daughter go to a good university.

  12. Flying to Thailand via Narita tomorrow. Is there a possibility they’ll cancel the flight, or am ai good now that the typhoon changed course? Weather is impeccable today

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