Really struggling big time and I have only been at it for 30 days. Its really different to anything I have ever learned and its making me very anxious. Any advice for a overworked newbie?

So I have been taking Japanese at my college after work and whoa was I wrong about how difficult its actually going to be. I am struck with a lot of fear and anxiety as its really nothing like I’ve ever done. I did learn a language before by by own, and in some ways I have mostly learned English pretty much on my own. But even though I have a very good teacher, I am surrounded by people who are doing the same (so very different to self learning) I am struggling to keep my head above water.

The class is made up of a diverse group of people with varying degrees of prior understanding of the language, and it overwhelms me as I can barely write a sentence in hiragana, and then there are some who are learning 50 kanjis a day. I definitely feel a little slow and that might actually be me being exceptionally slow in general, or just my work sucking the life out of me.

Sometimes our sensei will try to connect a concept to basic English grammar, and even then I struggle as my English grammar sucks, so I have to look up English grammar as well from time to time. Jesus I feel stupid somedays, its like watching a video at x2 the speed trying to retain everything. Also, due to some personal situations my time for studying at home is receding like my hairline.

I don’t know what really is the point of my post, its basically a rant “I can’t do this” I suck at that”. I know I signed up for it and I knew it was gonna be difficult. I set my self up to do this, so that when I visit Japan next year or a Japanese person, or family (I meet them often due to my work) I could at least hold a conversation even if I talk like a toddler. I want to be able to at the very least be able to read a Japanese newspaper or a pamphlet, or a brochure or something. I was also planning on taking the N2 or N1 exam next year but I don’t think I can make it that far in just over a year. I don’t know why I thought this would be easier, I just got the rug pulled from underneath, this would require some serious efforts and I am not sure how much I got left in the tank.

Sorry for the long rant. If you have anything to say, if anything at all, be it just be a simple advice, or you want to elaborate how much of lazy ass I am being feel free to drop by. I guess I needed to get this out its been weighing on me for a couple of weeks now. Thanks

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こんにちは皆さん、アタシはマンチェスター大学日本語の2年生クロエと申します。 3年生に入る時一年間で日本の大学で勉強します。 たくさん大学を入れられるけど皆さんもっと情報をくれとかどか思います。 学位論文の為に大学を選びたいです。 選んだの学位論文の質問って「日本語の方言と言語は標準語に翻訳して難しいですか」方言ならたくさんの考えがあるけど最もの大事な方言又は言語って沖縄語です。 けど問題はマンチェスター大学は琉球大学と共同がないから琉球大学が入られません。 この問題だから京都大学に行きたい、学位論文の為に関西弁も勉強しなちゃなりません。 だから皆さんは外国人は京都大学は他の大学に行けるチャンスがありますか。 先生から訊いた一部の大学は半分の時間の過ごすを元の大学で勉強しますと半分の時間の過ごすは他の大学で勉強できます。 学位論文の為にたくさんの方言と沖縄語とアイヌ語の経験が必要ですから。 沖縄語なら一番大事な言語だから沖縄に絶対に行けなくちゃならません。 皆さんのコメントを感謝してありがとうございます!