Traveling with 2 checked-in, 1 carry-on baggages and 1 bag?

Hi everyone.

Next month, I will go to Shiga, Japan for long-term studying. According to my university, I need to go from Kansai Airport to Kyoto Station and then to Kusatsu Station. They suggested that for the first route, I can move by bus or train and for the second one, I can use Biwako Line. I plan to bring 2 checked-in, 1 carry-on baggages and 1 bag to fully utilize my flight ticket. From what I have found so far, the bus only allows 2 suitcases per person so it seems that I cannot go with this option. About the train, am I allowed to carry this many onto the train and which line should I take?

Thank you

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Traveling with 2 checked-in, 1 carry-on baggages and 1 bag?**

    Hi everyone.

    Next month, I will go to Shiga, Japan for long-term studying. According to my university, I need to go from Kansai Airport to Kyoto Station and then to Kusatsu Station. They suggested that for the first route, I can move by bus or train and for the second one, I can use Biwako Line. I plan to bring 2 checked-in, 1 carry-on baggages and 1 bag to fully utilize my flight ticket. From what I have found so far, the bus only allows 2 suitcases per person so it seems that I cannot go with this option. About the train, am I allowed to carry this many onto the train and which line should I take?

    Thank you

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  2. Definitely look at luggage transporters! My lost luggage was delivered to me via Sagawa – it’s a normal thing here 🙂

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