Medication Certificate

So I kinda forgot to request my medication certificate. Do you think it will be approved even tho it’s just under a month till we leave even the JET portal says Atleast a month before. I leave end of the month.

  1. you’ll probably be fine—mine got approved in less than a week. as for itinerary, you can request a tentative itinerary letter from your consulate that has your flight information even if they haven’t officially come out yet

  2. The web page says they can have it back to you in two weeks if you send it in online. Our consulate has sent out the flight information for us. I suggest you send it in now. Hopefully, Japanese customs won’t ask you for any paperwork when you go through. I have taken my meds and CPAP machine without any problem, but have never asked for the permit. I took in 18 months of prescription medicines seven years ago when I last lived in Japan with no paperwork and no problem. I wonder if, if you have asked for the import permit, you are flagged and will be asked for the paperwork because you’ve asked. Still, better to have the paperwork and not have to show it than not having the paperwork and being asked to show it.

  3. Request your intinerary letter from your consulate immediately (ours was request only, they wouldn’t send it unless we asked for it) then fill out the online form. I actually got mine back in just a few days so you’re probably fine, sooner is just better.

  4. Do it asap, but don’t panic too bad – mine got approved within the week I sent it. (And that was in 2019 so before things slowed a bit) I submitted mine 2 weeks before I left because it took forever for my doctor to get back to me about some of the info I needed for it (namely: the manufacture location). They were very fast, I hope they are for you as well.

  5. I literally sent mine in yesterday, got the response and cert this morning, just go for it.

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