Obon week holidays and Japanese hospital/clinic hours

Hello. I was wondering if someone here could give me advice regarding a medical issue.

I’ve had a high grade fever since Thursday (40-41c 104f) that refuses to go down and early this morning started having mild shakes. I called an ambulance and they agreed that my fever was high and long lasting but then we sat there for over 30 mins while they talked to various hospitals and nowhere would see me because they said my fever was too high.

Apparently everywhere has a separate dept that deals with patients with a fever but because it is Obon those depts are closed for the week.
Is this normal in Japan? and should I just give up like they told me or does anybody have any advice on what sort of clinics I should be looking for? I live in Gotemba and my Japanese is passable. the ambulance finally took me to the emergency center but the doctor there got upset because he said it was not the right place and that he cannot run any tests.

Any advice on what sort of clinics to look for would be greatly appreciated.

  1. Call another ambulance again, its their job to find you the right hospital.

    But yeah in Japan its really complicated to find a hospital when you have an emergency, I had a kidney stone once and I crawled my way to the emercy room at one hospital I was vomiting from the pain and on the floor and they rejected me, they just called an ambulance and I had to wait ON THE STREET until the ambulance arrived, and after 45 mins minutes inside the ambulance in the parking lot, they accepted me IN THE SAME HOSPITAL.

  2. Did you phone the Gotemba emergency medical center (this may be where you ended up before but FYI

    TEL(昼): 0550-83-1111
    TEL(夜): 0550-83-1111

    Their naika (internal medicine) division is open 24 hours until tomorrow 8am

  3. There aren’t many actual hospitals that are closed this week. Private practice clinics may be closed however.

  4. Mate, 41 and up is approaching brain damage territory. Call the ambulance, get to a hospital, refuse to leave. No matter what they say. I’ve done this in Tokyo. Refuse to leave.

  5. Omg many clinical chaotic things here on japanlife… 40℃ is too high which you literally need a medical care. I’m working as a nurse here in japan, and as some guy here said, you should keep calling ambulance until they can find a hospital they actually provide for your situation. Or, sadly you just need to wait until tomorrow… Hope you are ok.

  6. I have had the same situation years ago. Everything was closed.
    My best advice is to take some Eve, and a cool bath, and drink some hot tea, aquarious, drink fluids like yuzu cha, ginger tea, and warm soup broth.
    Unless someone knows where you can be seen! It can be scary! Some say sweating it out is better for the immune system so if your fever isn’t coming down then it just takes time, but maybe your body is doing it’s job. I wish you well! Take care of yourself and visit the yokkyaku and kutsuri’s near you. Matsumoto has an assortment of NSAIDs and generic meds that may cost more than the doctor but will save you time and energy.

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