How to choose a hospital?

I gave birth in a university hospital in Yokohama, because it’s the one nearest from my house. (We chose hospital instead of clinic because we thought that it’s safer – just our opinion at the time). Thankfully my experience was fine – after 42 man deduction we paid about 12 man for everything, nothing major happened, I was a bit confused about my stitches so I came back to ask after the 1 month postpartum appointment and the doctor explained everything for me. Though I know it could be better – the hospital’s equipments seems old, the weight of my child on ultrasound was wrong the whole time (he ended up 800g more than expected), they did not offer to keep the stem cell and they have to refer us to another place for NIPT test. Thinking back, I think I should choose another hospital, but at the same time, I’m not sure if that’s just me thinking too much.

So that’s why I want some advices on this. How would you choose a hospital to go to, and to take your child? There are lots of university hospitals, how are they compare to others hospital? Should I go to hospitals in Tokyo instead of Yokohama? When is the “daijoubu” really is a “daijoubu”, and when should I get a second opinion? I would appreciate anything on this!

  1. Guessing fetal weight by ultrasound is just an estimate, that’s not necessarily a hospital issue. I had mine measured at two different hospitals within hours of each other and both measured him about 400g heavier than he was, and he was only 1600g at birth in the first place. Look on any pregnancy sub and you’ll regularly see people whose babies are a pound or more off the estimate.

    NIPT test is also uncommon here, I don’t think many hospitals offer it. So again, I don’t think it’s a big deal to choose one that doesn’t, just go get it done privately.

    I don’t know if they offer private cord blood banking, but the hospital I originally planned did offer to donate it, so if that’s important to you certainly ask around.

    If you had good delivery without issues or complaints then honestly I would probably just choose the same hospital again, it’s always a dice roll. Otherwise ask other people who’ve given birth in your area recently about their experiences.

  2. Lol my oldest was full term and they were suggesting we induce because my wife is (was she’s shrunk noticably) tall at 170cm her pre pregnancy weight was 44kg.

    They were off by more than a kg. There’s a huge difference between 4.5kg and 3.5kg (yes he was almost 10lbs)…

    US ob/gyn and hospitals if it matters.

  3. I agree with the previous commenters, if your experience was okay I would also go to the same hospital.
    Also if you live in Yokohama better choose in Yokohama (if you live there), going to Tokyo every week at the end of your pregnancy will be quite tiring…so I definitely don’t recommend it.

    I gave a birth in a big hospital in minatomirai, which was quite pricey but the staff was really kind and they do epidural (only on weekdays though) so that part is a bit gambling but except that I can recommend it.

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