I’ve been reading this recently but can’t help to realise this sounds similar to the story of Jacob aka Ya’akov
Both wrestled with a great creature and lived; one with a snake and one with an angel,
Both had two wives, the first being shunned and the second well regarded
Both regretted shunning their first wives
The house of Jacob, one of the sons of Dan slays Esau as detailed with the decap of Esau, Yamato Decapitates Ousu, and had killed his own brother,
Both wore strange clothes to deceive,
Both were at a place that sounds like Y’b’k ; I’bu’ki San
Ya’akov is never healed that we can see of his thigh wounds, but Ya’mato does heal his bitten heel in a hot spring in a mountain, but not before a wave of darkness and then rain, then morning,
Both got names Takeru and Yishrael; one was The Brave and Valiant, the other meaning One who Wrestled with God and won
I wonder what this means?
You guys seem to have Amaterasu goddess which can transliterate to Hebrew as Ama Terah; Concubine of Terah, Father of Abraham?
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Say man, you ever posted something on Reddit? Yeah? You ever posted something on Reddit on weed?