NOVA Independent VS Employee Contract

Long story short, got a job for NOVA, figured go with it as a way to get my foot in the door. Only thing I’m not sure which contract offer is better. So far I’m leaning towards employee, as the pay really isn’t impressive on both ends. However, I once read the independent contract offers more pay. (Not much at the end.) Ideally I’ll get my year in, and move on to a more solid/stable form of work. Most likely do a master’s at some point as well. Anyway, thoughts as to which option is better?

  1. They will lie to your face when summarizing the independent contract to you. It’s garbage.

    Take the employee contract and use those 10 vacation days to search for a better job etc

  2. be careful with anything eikaiwa or eigo in any of everything in japan. sorry, change be careful to avoid. or use them to your advantage, which is what OP is doing. unless you’re a professor at a moderate or prestigious university.

  3. Up until recently independent contract was best but since 2021 it’s far worse.

  4. The Independent Contract is a scam where they treat you like an employee, but you get no benefits of being an employee. They have been sued over it and lost before.

  5. Don’t choose Nova. Honest to God if you even remotely have any self regard or self worth you will run. They will steal from you lie to you and cheat you.

  6. The contract employment 業務委託 means labor laws are not applicable. You have no recourse to the protections employees get.

    I’ve been a contractor before. I accepted the conditions since the company compensated me at double the rates eikaiwa or ALT dispatch offer. The company helped me out with accounting and understanding contract law.

    Very few companies have staff that understands, abides by, and helps contractors with the specifics of gyomu itaku contract law. Nova? Unbloodlylikely.

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