Famous Korean DJ SODA groped during a live festival – “My hands are still shaking” “I’ve never been groped anywhere before during my 10 years of being a DJ”

Famous Korean DJ SODA groped during a live festival – “My hands are still shaking” “I’ve never been groped anywhere before during my 10 years of being a DJ”


  1. Yeahhh, so a lot of online comments in Japan say stuff like “It’s her fault for dressing like that!” “She was asking for it. She got close to the fans” “Let’s be honest, I think most men would have groped” /facepalm. Forgetting the fact that nobody had ever groped her in other countries performing in concerts and festivals.

  2. What ever happened to: Hit the groping hand as hard as possible and screaming: “Stop touching me you idiot (ass hole/mother fucker)!!!!!

  3. I was working there in backstage and all of this is just bullshit. She didn’t noticed it at all and was completely normal after her “people bath”. Then when someone uploaded a picture of her with a guy ”groping her” she started to say that she was shaking, that she cry in backstage and all other bullshit. She just want to keep her image clean nothing more.

  4. Online reaction in Japan:

    >Reaction in Japan: Bad clothes, bad approach, the perpetrator was not Japanese, but a Zainichi Korean, and there was a woman too (of course, women should be punished, and men’s crimes are not lessened by an ounce). It’s just a shame that “harming even between same-sex people happens,” but for some reason it’s a source of joy for some people.


    >There will definitely be people who shift the point of contention by saying, “A woman is also touching lolol”. I’m not asking you to arrest just the men. I’m saying to arrest anyone who touches her. Do not touch other people’s bodies.


    There’s even the ex-maiko who whistle blew her experience being sexually harassed during being a maiko weighing in:

    >”A woman did it too!” What is it with people who only want to point that out? Sexual harassment without consent is unacceptable regardless of gender. So, can you please stop sulking about how men should be forgiven and how it’s all men? It’s a pain in the ass. Whether it’s a woman or a man, whether they are exposed or not, whether they are in the nightlife business or not, it’s not a reason to touch them or take voyeuristic pictures of them.


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