Weird Shit Happening, Items Being Vandalized

As the title suggests, I have had my items vandalized in two separate occurrences that have left me shook.

First incident involved someone stealing my bike. While bike theft is normal, I live in a house and the bike was located on my property which meant the person had to cross the gate to get to the bike. I got the police involved, but that was after I found my bike in the bike rack of some nearby apartment complex. The cops took it, made me pose for some photos with the bike and then held the bike until they finished their “investigation”.

Then someone kept tossing their trash in my trash can (garbage picks up directly in front of our houses here) forcing me to always clean it cause the garbage company ignores shit not in a trash bag.

Today, I saw the entire driver side door of my car lease entirely keyed. Someone purposefully keyed the door leaving two deep gashes that’s going to require repair work. Unfortunately I can’t get to the cops today because I’m **fortunately** moving away from this hellhole and have appointments to get to.

I will contact the cops and lease company after this typhoon comes by but I just want to know is this a coincidence or is there someone in my neighborhood that actively is harassing me? It’s left a severely bad taste in my mouth.


  1. Nobody can speak to whether this is coincidence or targeted harassment, but you say you’re moving. When you get to the new house, get a camera.

  2. Once is bad luck, twice a coincidence, but three times? Sounds like you have a looney on hand.It’s good that you are moving, because dealing with deranged individuals is a losing war of attrition, and everyone suffers mentally.Let’s focus on the positive: you are getting away (hopefully to someplace much nicer -congrats) and you are leaving behind a potentially series of ever escalating incidents.Best wishes.

  3. At least you’re getting away, behaviour like this (if it is one person or one group) only escalates. Stay safe

  4. Invest in a camera OP.
    Not related, what’s up with the police always asking to pause near the bike and point? It makes one feel as a criminal not the other way around

  5. OP are you female? I might be overreaching here, but it eerily sounds like you have a perv stalking you. Probably feeling unrequited interest and acting out like all deranged pervs do.

  6. AFAIK Keying cars isn’t something common here, so I can’t help but wonder if it’s something a coworker that you don’t get along with or an ex that might have done?

  7. These events are way too much to be a coincidence. Entering the property to take a bike, keying your car, the latter of which really sounds targeted… All within nine months? I’m so glad you’re moving. I second the other comments telling you to get a camera or two when you move to the new place, this isn’t acceptable and I can only imagine the stress and anxiety this could cause. Stay safe friend!

  8. I purchased a few Tapo cameras for security and they are phenomenal for their price point. As long as you have an outlet and wifi to connect to, the app is very well done, the memory is expandable, and you can set it to auto record based on abnormal sound & movement (almost 360 rotation). You can also remote in and control the camera from anywhere with your smartphone, and you can set pre-set surveillance paths or positions.

  9. Dunno about the key or the bike, but leaving trash on your property sounds similar to some of my friends being harassed by their neighbours after they newly moved in to a new place (the neighbours basically showed that they are not welcome this way). Did you move here recently?

  10. I have a camera and they’re cheap. No idea why you wouldn’t get one. I think I paid like 3000-4000 yen and I get notified on my phone when someone enters my property. I’m probably gonna get a few more before too long.

    I wouldn’t even ask the landlord. Do what you need to do and just install it without damaging things.

    I did have a pile of lumber and sawdust and someone threw some cigarettes into it. I wish I could have caught that person and dragged their ass to the Koban. They obviously don’t care if they burn the neighborhood and the mountain.

  11. How long are you leasing the car? Put a (concealed) camera inside ASAP? With a bit of luck you can get the perpetrator’s face if they do anything again before you move out.

  12. It might be worth it to speak with your neighbors to see if anyone else has been having similar problems. Also, one of your neighbors may have seen something

  13. I often hear people in Kyoto engage in antisocial behavior towards people that come from other prefectures / countries

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