Black hair dye got on my tatami

I live in an older danchi building with a tatami room. I’m stupid and decided to dye my hair black in the room, it spilled, I put baking soda and then detergent on it, and now it just looks like a dog had diarrhea on my floor. About 3 tatami mats have been stained.

Do they replace tatami mats per tenant that moves in? Or will I have to shoulder the cost of replacement if and when I move out? How much are these fees usually, and is there any way for me to DIY the stain off? Thank you!

  1. Have you tried nail polish remover? Just try a tiny bit and see how it goes but that’s usually a good one and has worked for me.

  2. Well, I have good news. Tenants always pay to replace tatami mats when they move, and it comes out of your security deposit.

    But the actual good news is that they aren’t very expensive.

  3. If you want to replace them now, just go to a tatami shop. As u/ultimatemuffin mentions, they’re not very expensive, and they smell very good when they’re new.

    I’m not sure, however, about having to pay for replacing mats when you move. The two times I’ve lived in places with tatami, the mats were old when I moved in.

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