Help with some words and phrases for stickerset

Hi! So I’m working on a shogi-related stickerset for one messenger and I need help with explaining a few things.

1. Can you say “王手” outside of game contex like when you put your text companion in a difficult position, something like “Aha! Gotcha!”?

One of my friends who also isn’t a native but speaks Japanese suggested “詰んだ”, but I feel like it’s not what I’m looking for, can you please explain with some examples when this word is used more naturally? I might add an emotion for this as well.

2. Is ガチャン the right onomatopoeia for “slamming” sound? Like when you hit a chess clock really fast and hard?

3. I’d love to hear more examples of short shogi-related words/phrases that I can combine with a picture of emotion and add to this set, so if you have any ideas, please let me know!

P.s. Also I’m not very good at reading kanji just yet so it will be really helpful if you will put furigana when possible. Thank you!

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