system shutting down

system shutting down

system shutting down

  1. Naito was fantastic. Just fantastic.

    Where are all the doubters now?

    What a match from both of them

  2. Damn, wrestling subs are full of medical experts today. I’m all pro safety for every wrestler and when Jay called an audible to protect Adam Cole it was 100% correct call, he obviously suffered a heavy head injury.

    But here is a knockdown, you know, **the shit that happens one/two/three times per boxing match**. **Not every knockdown is a death-threatening head trauma**.

    The redditors who are blaming NJPW and Ospreay probably never seen the light of day, let alone being in a fight, but yes, sometimes you get knocked down, you breathe for a minute and you get up fine.

    But you people always need your dose of drama and controversy. What a bunch of hypocrites

  3. Ouch, looks like he was trying to duck under the kick and there was a miscommunication.

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