people who have graduated with English degree in japan how are you doing financially?

I’m looking to study aboard in japan USA or Canada. north American countries are sooooooooo expensive for a brokie like me . that’s why im thinking about japan. maybe a masters degree in English (g30) at nagoya maybe. how will that serve me in future for job and financially?

any suggestions or advice are much appreciated.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **people who have graduated with English degree in japan how are you doing financially?**

    I’m looking to study aboard in japan USA or Canada. north American countries are sooooooooo expensive for a brokie like me . that’s why im thinking about japan. maybe a masters degree in English (g30) at nagoya maybe. how will that serve me in future for job and financially?

    any suggestions or advice are much appreciated.

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  2. >north American countries are sooooooooo expensive for a brokie like me . that’s why im thinking about japan.

    If you can’t afford to study at home you almost certainly won’t be able afford studying in Japan.

    While tuition might be cheaper, it’s still an expensive proposition. You’ll be required to show extensive savings (1.5-2 million yen *per year of study*) or a similar amount of income from your parents in order to be issued a student visa.

    >maybe a masters degree in English

    Do you have a bachelor’s degree? You kinda need one of those before going for a master’s.

  3. Degrees are mostly useless in significantly increasing your finances. In my experience they have been helpful to unlock a bit more privileges from immigration. If anything, a degree seems to effectively function as a “check in the box” used in gate keeping measures and it doesn’t really unlock any special status financially. Perhaps you might have a slightly higher starting salary at ABC Corporation with a masters or PhD but that’s about it.

    Salaries in Japan are quite modest but so is the cost of living. If you are concerned about finances in the long term, focus on skills that are highly valued and in demand. What will be important here are things like your ability to communicate effectively in the native language, work well with others, maintain a good reputation, etc. This will require being adaptable, flexible, and you will likely need to shop around every few years for employment opportunities that can boost your salary. Another option might be running your own business but this comes with its own set of risks and potential failures. Since you mentioned that you are familiar with business, I think you know well what this entails. Otherwise, for standard employment expect a modest financial situation regardless of degree. The part about being able to communicate in the native language and working well with others also applies to standard employment opportunities.

    Good luck.

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