Quick trips in the Kansai area?

I was supposed to fly to Okinawa from Kansai yesterday but… obviously that didn’t happen! And I wasn’t able to reschedule a flight that would have worked with my time frame. Now I’m in Osaka until tomorrow morning, and want to find something to do afterwards which is easy to get to from here (preferably without the Shinkansen but it is what it is) and will fill up two days or so. I’ve been to all the major touristy places in the area already and am looking for something a bit more off the beaten path. Any help would be much appreciated! And I hope everyone has weathered the storm ok 🙂

  1. Summer Koshien is going on until the 22nd. Even if you’re not a baseball fan, the atmopshere is amazing and it’s a great value (3700yen for an all-day (4-game) reserved seat*).

    Only 20 minutes from Osaka too. The station (Koshien) is right in front of the stadium.

    *Best seats, IMO, are the first-base side, middle-section tickets. Great view and it also provides shade all day.

  2. Kotohiki Beach in north Kyoto. Super nice, nice sand, blue water and natural onsen flowing into the sea.

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