Utilizing My GI Bill to Learn at a 4+ Degree

As the title states, I am looking around for any and all inputs about potentially being able to study abroad in Japan utilizing my GI bill, I can’t remember if it’s the Mongtomery or Post-9/11 GI Bill. Currently I am still active duty Navy but in about 2 years (6 total), I will be out and thought it would be a good idea to start looking right now. Right now I only have R.APU, Temple, and Riverside as my only options but I would like to hear other options out there! I’d like to mess around in the tech field and still trying to find out what specifically in the tech field I’d like to throw myself into. Any information would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Utilizing My GI Bill to Learn at a 4+ Degree**

    As the title states, I am looking around for any and all inputs about potentially being able to study abroad in Japan utilizing my GI bill, I can’t remember if it’s the Mongtomery or Post-9/11 GI Bill. Currently I am still active duty Navy but in about 2 years (6 total), I will be out and thought it would be a good idea to start looking right now. Right now I only have R.APU, Temple, and Riverside as my only options but I would like to hear other options out there! I’d like to mess around in the tech field and still trying to find out what specifically in the tech field I’d like to throw myself into, thanks!

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  2. > R.APU, Temple, and Riverside as my only options

    * [**Friends don’t let friends (Or even enemies) go to Temple**](https://www.reddit.com/r/movingtojapan/comments/tvx343/friends_dont_let_friends_or_even_enemies_go_to/)

    * [**Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University** — World rank 2,288](https://www.4icu.org/reviews/2820.htm)

    * Just go to a real school in the US like UC Riverside and do their [Study Abroad in Japan program](https://events.ucr.edu/event/study_abroad_in_japan). Hint: University education in Japan *~especially in English~* is not going to help you in life. Use your GI Bill wisely.

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