Audio study materials for car commute?

Hey all, I kind of fell off of studying Japanese outside of doing WaniKani the past couple of years and I want to get back into it. I have about a 45 minute commute to and from work, so I was hoping I could find some sort of way to make use of it in my studies. Is there a good YouTube channel or podcast or something that I could listen to during my commute?

I really liked the Genki textbooks and would love to continue with them, so something that covers them would be great. I finished Genki 1 a few years ago and started Genki 2, but never made it very far. It’d be great to find something to help me review what I’ve already learned and then supplement Genki 2.

  1. The Real Japanese Podcast by Haruka

    Great for listening to natural spoken Japanese. Not super difficult but not too easy or slow either, and the topics are pretty interesting. There are also hundreds of episodes at this point.


    This is a Spotify link but it can also be found on YouTube and other platforms.

  2. Let’s talk in Japanese is great. Episodes are rated by JLPT level from 4-1. Got me started listening and between that and YuYu Nihingo got me to N2

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