The survivors of the Gegenmiao massacre witnessed horrific scenes which about more than 1,200 Japanese were massacred by Soviet Army in Manchuria

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  1. I’m honestly curious; is this Japanese right wing politics trying to once again portray japan as the ww2 victim? I don’t doubt many Japanese got slaughtered but they also did their own pretty brutal share of slaughtering Chinese in Manchuria…

  2. Wow, that action was absolutely indefensible. There were several similar incidents of reprisal or massacre of Japanese colonists in China. It is pretty easy to empathize with the Chinese civilians’ hatred of the Japanese present there after several years of abuse by the Japanese, but murdering families, raping women and children, and kidnapping children for sale as slaves is pretty heinous.

    In its current context, I would hate for it to be used as a justification for anti-Russian / Chinese sentiment by the Japanese far-right. There was no love lost between those adversaries at the time, and today it is just an easy way to rile up patriotism and anti foreigner sentiment in both China and Japan using past incidents.

  3. The Japanese Russian relations is quite complex. I encourage anyone to read up on it.

    [St Petersburg Treat](

    I applaud Wikipedia for keeping things unbiased.

    Also the 2019 statement by the Russian Embassy in Japan:

    “A peace treaty has not yet been concluded between the two countries, due to Tokyo’s groundless territorial claims to the southern Kuril Islands. However, the state of belligerency between the two countries ended at the time of the signing of the Soviet-Japanese Joint Declaration in 1956, which envisaged restoration of diplomatic relations.”

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