How much time will moving to japan actually take?

So my situation isn’t really all that extraordinary. I’m a 21 year old guy that’s been working in shipping and logistics since I was 18. Couldn’t afford college since my parents wouldn’t pay for it, and taking out a loan at the time looked like complete financial suicide. I moved out in mid 2020, and was able to financially support myself, though paying for college at the time was still out of reach. I’ve read through the FAQ and done some research on my own and more or less determined that what I do just isn’t going to get me a visa or a job in Japan.

So here’s my question. Given no restrictions (career change, bachelors in teaching, trying to become an influencer idk), what is the fastest path forward. I’m really not all to attached to what I do, I just know how to do it well. that’s kinda the only reason I’ve stuck with it this long. I have the time, I would just prefer not to spend 10+ years in a trade when i can spend 3-4 getting a bachelors. I also have a good deal more money now then before, so a lot more options are available. I’m just not sure which one I want to pursue.

I know it sounds naïve and kinda dumb to rush forward to a place without a real objective for being there. But without going into too much detail, my objective isn’t necessarily to go there, it’s to not be where I am right now. It’s a bit TMI so I wont share, but I do have personal reasons for wanting to leave the US and Japanese just happens to be the only other language I have any foothold in.

Thank you for your time,


  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **How much time will moving to japan actually take?**

    So my situation isn’t really all that extraordinary. I’m a 21 year old guy that’s been working in shipping and logistics since I was 18. Couldn’t afford college since my parents wouldn’t pay for it, and taking out a loan at the time looked like complete financial suicide. I moved out in mid 2020, and was able to financially support myself, though paying for college at the time was still out of reach. I’ve read through the FAQ and done some research on my own and more or less determined that what I do just isn’t going to get me a visa or a job in Japan.

    So here’s my question. Given no restrictions (career change, bachelors in teaching, trying to become an influencer idk), what is the fastest path forward. I’m really not all to attached to what I do, I just know how to do it well. that’s kinda the only reason I’ve stuck with it this long. I have the time, I would just prefer not to spend 10+ years in a trade when i can spend 3-4 getting a bachelors. I also have a good deal more money now then before, so a lot more options are available. I’m just not sure which one I want to pursue.

    I know it sounds naïve and kinda dumb to rush forward to a place without a real objective for being there. But without going into too much detail, my objective isn’t necessarily to go there, it’s to not be where I am right now. It’s a bit TMI so I wont share, but I do have personal reasons for wanting to leave the US and Japanese just happens to be the only other language I have any foothold in.

    Thank you for your time,


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  2. What is your objective? Are you trying to move to Japan for a long time? Or are you trying to move as soon as possible but you don’t care about your future?

    If it is just for a short while, you can sign up for a language school which will allow you to live there for a short while.

    There is also a work holiday scheme from what I have heard though I have no idea how it works.

  3. Its all about the visa. You need a plan to qualify for some part of their visa program.

    Sounds like aiming to be an international student at a japanese university might be the easiest way for you, since the JET program will be closed to you unless you have a college degree, and you have no plan to get a work visa at the moment.

    As an aside: keep in mind that trades a paying a lot better than many bachelor’s degrees are RN.

  4. You’re going to have to change your objective from a short term plan (not wanting to be where you are) to a long term one (living in Japan) because other than short term language schools you’re not going to have much options for staying in the country and you will have no legal options to stay in the country and make money.

    Trying to get to Japan the fastest way will also mean your time there will be short and quick too. There’s no magic bullet to this. Get a degree or work 10 years in a trade (the former A LOT easier to get a visa in) and find an English teaching job as those tend to recruit from abroad.

    Once you have a degree and apply for a position at a school or eikaiwa, it really isn’t that hard nor does it take that long of a time to move over.

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