Driving License for Foreigners?

I’ve research but, the price difference are huge and I’m not sure who to ask.

I have a driving license back in home country, I’m not sure if it’s international, but most likely not. So I thought I’ll just start from 0, take driving lesson then geta driving license in Japan.

How difficult is it or how expensive is it exactly? Do I need to meet certain requirements? I’m on student visa right now, so I’m not even sure if I’m allowed.

  1. around 400k

    not too difficult, quite easy I must say.

    I got mine from koyama.

    cheaper solution would be converting your license.

  2. What country issued your driver’s license? If it’s the US, then which state? Some licenses can be transferred to a Japanese license very easily (just an eye test) while others can not. So you need to get that figured out first.

    If you do need to go through the “getting your license” process in Japan then the cost will vary depending on if you need English instruction or not. If you do, your options are limited and more expensive. If Japanese is fine then there are many options. Regardless, you need to at least state where you live in Japan if you want helpful answers. Someone recommending a company in Okinawa isn’t going to do you much good if you’re living in Sendai.

  3. Because I already knew how to drive, when I got my license in Japan I just went to the police driving test center and took the tests. It took a few months because of crowding (and because I failed the driving test a few times because of unfamiliarity with laws and practices in Japan: I read the book my wife had used 20 years before, but the laws had changed), but it wasn’t expensive.

  4. Been looking into this recently and came across this place [https://www.kikidrive.com/en/](https://www.kikidrive.com/en/) that seems to be waaaaay cheaper than other places. Of course this prompted me to question its legitimacy, which led to more digging and I found an article about the place on JapanTimes [https://www.japantimes.co.jp/life/2020/10/04/lifestyle/how-to-get-drivers-license-japan/](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/life/2020/10/04/lifestyle/how-to-get-drivers-license-japan/) , which means its legit. This is probably where I’m going to go now

    looking at their price list [https://www.kikidrive.com/en/fee.html](https://www.kikidrive.com/en/fee.html), if you already know how to drive you can pretty much be ready to get a license in 2 days for around 77K

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