Wife on second pregnancy . Considering vaginal birth after cesarean .

Just as the title says, wife opted for c-section during her first pregnancy .
This time around she wants to go with vaginal delivery .
Now all hospitals I tried calling do not want to do normal delivery stating that it’s a policy .

Need help in finding a hospital that would do vbac.
Live in Tokyo .

  1. AFAIK if you go c-section once you pretty much have to for all pregnancies afterwards. Unless this is some sort of Japanese medical superstition…

  2. Covid consequences in the health system… I think it will be almost impossible at this point.

  3. I think it would probably be wise to sit down with a doctor and have them explain why it is policy not to perform vbacs. There might be an important health reason for it.

  4. As a c-section firstborn who ruined it for my mom, I wish you luck. It’s gonna be an ordeal, but since she found someone to do it 33 years ago in the US, I hope you can too.

  5. If your wife is comfortable with it/has Facebook have her join Tokyo Pregnancy Group. Loads of women on there who can discuss different hospitals in Tokyo and which allowed them to do a TOLAC (leading yo VBAC).

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