Technique for taking 45 degree photo of ID card

To change my phone number at Mizho Bank using their specialized Smartphone appli, I need to take a photo of my driver’s license or MyNa card. After doing this I need to take a photo of the same card taken at a 45 degree angle in order to prove that it is real rather than computer generated fake.

It seems that it is not just Mizuho that requires this, but whenever I try to do this I usually end up trying for 30 minutes before flinging my iPhone across the room and admitting failure.

Does anyone have a a special technique for doing this. I would really love not to need to visit my local branch.


  1. Have you tried laying the card on the edge of your table or counter and hovering your phone at an angle just in front of the edge?

  2. I put a tissue box on my desk in front of the card and rested the edge of my iPhone on the box to help keep it steady as I adjusted the angle.

  3. What on earth are you trying to do? Lay the card flat on a table or even the floor. Hold your phone at a 45 degree angle. Take the photo. Done.

    They just want to be able to see the card’s security holograms in the photo (or even light reflecting off the card), they aren’t going to be using AI calculations to ensure that you are holding the phone at **EXACTLY** 45°.

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