5pm municipal jingle?

So my local area plays this jingle every day at 5pm. Anyone know why?

  1. time for kids to go home. usually plays at 5 or 6. or you could just listen to what it says.

  2. It’s a way to make sure the broadcasting equipment is still working, and it doubles as a sign that it’s the end of the day.

  3. it’s to remind all the salary men that they can go home in another 4 hours.

    seriously though, while it’s supposed to signal going home time, i don’t think anyone pays any attention.

  4. For the pre-war people who never learned how to read clocks.

    In my town we have a jingle at 12pm and 6pm. (lunch and dinner)

  5. We have the pleasure of listening to the radio exercise music everyday from the animal feed factory at the bottom on the hill.

    That and the 12 and 5 o’clock jingles with the occasional firework bursts signifying the start and finish of various events throughout the year.

  6. Just the jingle here and all the kids leave the park when it plays. My son got upset that I came to pick him up before the jingle played.

  7. I love it. It is a part of Japan life. I wouldn’t live in Japan if I didn’t enjoy these idiosyncratic aspects.

    Also, for some reason, it bluetooths onto my fancy hearing aid so I HEAR it at 12 and 5. 😵‍💫

  8. Does it go “Hup hup hup hup “ over and over while people do some stretching in public?

    Or does it sound like something an old timely clock would sing in your grandparents house?

  9. That’s pretty much everywhere in Japan outside of the metropolitan areas. The city we live in plays a jingle every day at 7am, 10am, noon, 3pm, 5pm, and 6pm during summer school break.

  10. The small Fukushima village I lived in when I first came here has one that plays at 6am.

    Pretty insane.

  11. Culturally, a signal for kids to go home from playing outside.

    In actuality, a test of the emergency broadcast system.

  12. There are a bunch that play in my area, I assumed they’re all for kids because there is one at 9am, and then at 6pm and 8pm (I think?)

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