When does holiday pricing drop back down?

Not sure if I should post this here or a different subreddit since this is travel but not exactly within Japan.

Does anyone know when the Obon/holiday price hike will drop down again? I need to buy tickets to my brith country but they jumped up right before Obon (as I know flights always do around the holidays) and I’m not sure how long it takes to go back to a more “normal” pricing.

I’ve only gone back once and that was a holiday time and pre-Covid so I’m out of the loop.

  1. I don’t understand. If you’re looking at flights post-peak season, the prices should already reflect that.

  2. Clear Cookies When Searching for Flights Online or use a vpn to by tickets from your home country

  3. International flights vary on a multitude of factors but the general summer season ends over September rolls around. Kids going back to school, no more summer vacation for those working.

  4. The yen has gone down again this week, so that’ll make things a few % more expensive

  5. It’s not bc of holiday if you 7 month out. They have your IP, cookies, they know you checking and want those tickets. Price will be constantly increasing as you keep checking. Id suggest not checking now for 3-4 weeks and clear your cache and cookies before checking again.

  6. Meta: this totally belongs in this subreddit. People living in Japan travel outside it all the time. In fact, cheap tours and flights from Japan are extremely relevant and useful information for people who reside in Japan.

  7. I’m not sure how you are looking for flights…
    but, generally, you can put the date of departure and arrival in the app or website.
    Then you will get a price. So just search for the date ypu wish to travel and an appropriate price. Please try then to search outside of obon time when the prices appear lower. Good luck!

  8. Look at flights.google.com you can see a whole grid of flight dates and the prices for each day. There are some odd days that are cheaper or more expensive. If you have flexibility, with this information you can choose the cheapest leave and return dates.

  9. It’s gonna take a while for various reasons, even before obon; high demand and lack of staff is limiting supply. The weak yen makes it much worse since oil is traded in dollars. If you’re flying to Europe, the war is preventing flights over Russia meaning longer routes which in turns means planes can’t fly at full capacity and each passenger has to pay more

  10. Airlines are continuously tuning their schedules with the objective to have every flight filled to the gills. They redirect their assets (planes) to the routes that are the most profitable. Tourism to Japan has made this problem more complicated for Japanese residents because we are at the mercy of how many tourists are coming in (because they also need to depart). Just check every day and buy the dip.

  11. The prices should’ve dropped somewhat already now and they will drop again at the beginning of September.

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