Is moving to Japan a total no-go with an expunged drug-related charge?

To get this out of the way, I know that “expunged” does not mean erased federally. I just don’t know how specific the questionnaire and enforcement of this would be for a 12 year old charge that was NOT a conviction. When I was in college, I got a citation for possession of drug paraphernalia, which is a misdemeanor in the US. I got the charge expunged 10+ years ago and prior to expungement, the final status of the charge was Nolle Prosequi, meaning I was not convicted.

I know how seriously Japan takes drug use, but is something like this a guaranteed non-starter for someone interested in moving there? Or are they explicitly concerned about convictions and not just charges that have been expunged?

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Is moving to Japan a total no-go with an expunged drug-related charge?**

    To get this out of the way, I know that “expunged” does not mean erased federally. I just don’t know how specific the questionnaire and enforcement of this would be for a 12 year old charge that was NOT a conviction. When I was in college, I got a citation for possession of drug paraphernalia, which is a misdemeanor in the US. I got the charge expunged 10+ years ago and prior to expungement, the final status of the charge was Nolle Prosequi, meaning I was not convicted.

    I know how seriously Japan takes drug use, but is something like this a guaranteed non-starter for someone interested in moving there? Or are they explicitly concerned about convictions and not just charges that have been expunged?

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  2. You’ll probably want to call the embassy to be sure, but I’d be inclined to say that if you haven’t been convicted you should be fine. Especially if the charge is expunged.

  3. Non convictions do not count, and will not show up on a police check used for applying for a visa, I also have and currently live in Asia, and it was not on my police report I needed for the visa

  4. I think you have a very good chance if you qualify for a Visa aside from what you mentioned.

    It’s a bit subjective, but you have to be of “good moral standard”. As long as you don’t have frequent minor violations, socially questionable acts or imprisonment, you should be fine.

    I know of a couple of Americans that moved to Japan with much worse records than yours. One guy has sealed convictions and expunged records related to drugs. When I applied for my Visa I don’t recall Japan getting that specific.

    Anyway, keep the dream alive! I’m not a lawyer, Japan can change the rules at any time and I don’t know you specific situation.

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