Free Cash in exchange for your name

So this has been going on for a year or 2 now. Basically they’re asking for your name to be used in from what I guess is loans or contracts for mobile phones and sell said phones or contracts to other people who cant get said contracts on normal conditions. Anyone here know of this?? its a scam I know but an idiot friend of mine actually did it and thinks he got away with free money. Just wanna know if anyone here knows of this M.O.

  1. Sounds like fraud to me and as a foreigner here holding status, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near the legal side of what would come from this.

  2. How much did your friend even make? I can’t imagine that him allowing others to commit identity theft will be worth it when the police start asking about someone doing illegal things with his info.

  3. Don’t crime if you can’t handle the consequences. There’s a reason they can’t or won’t do it legally and your friend is fine right up until he isn’t.

  4. Saw this too on Craigslist on a few occasions, not gonna lie despite its reek of fishiness, the amount of the reward they promised is actually quite an interesting sum (thanks Barely Sociable for educating me about this “definitely-sketchy” business).

    But yeah definitely not even worth it unless you’ve been in a really bad place and desperately need money. They literally paid you for taking a responsibility (credits score, loans, your identity, etc.) while they washed their hands completely.

  5. We should start a list of worst ideas ever posted on jlife.

    Did not expect to stumble across one worse than the typical “should I raw dog this lady I met at a bar who just wants round eye kids but won’t ask anything else?” But I think this one sets a new bar.

  6. These phones then are sold to people who don’t want to use their name on the phone contract because they are planning to use them for illegal purposes. Your friend is going to have a visit from the men in the blue if/when the phone is involved in a crime

  7. Bad idea. A super bad idea. Japanese police can detain you for up to 3 weeks if your name is linked to criminal activities and even further longer if the phone is used in multiple crimes. There goes your job, you’ll miss the rent payment. If the phone is used in scams, you may be reliable for the damages. It just doesn’t worth it all around.

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