David Finlay should style his beard like Lemmy. It’s historically been a great choice for heels, and it would give us yet another reason to hate him. Spoiled rich kid trying to cosplay a tough guy – well who better to cosplay ? Thank your for coming to my ted talk, good night.

David Finlay should style his beard like Lemmy. It’s historically been a great choice for heels, and it would give us yet another reason to hate him. Spoiled rich kid trying to cosplay a tough guy – well who better to cosplay ? Thank your for coming to my ted talk, good night.

  1. Where is everyone getting “spoiled rich kid” from his character? Seriously, let me know. The guy worked his way through the dojo, worked his way up the card in Hontai, seized an opportunity with Bullet Club — and now he’s an absolute brawler in his matches. How does any of that say “spoiled?” Can a brutish heel just be a brutish heel?

  2. There can be only ONE Lemmy.

    Ask Jericho how well ripping off Sebastian Bach is going for him.

  3. This is the Harley Race beard. Used by Triple H and Omega.

    I think Finlay’s white Roman Reigns style is good for now.

  4. Yeah but then people would switch from accusing him of being a Jay clone to being a Kenny clone.

  5. You mean like Triple H, Kenny Omega, Lance Archer and Harley Race? Idk. Isn’t that a little too close? If he’s going to emulate someone, Lemmy probably isn’t it.

    That being said,

    I’d like to see it at least once.

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