Dog left outside, what to do

Deep inaka here. Just got back from a dog walk where I saw a hotel guest’s dog chained under their car. The dog had a bowl of water but not much else. Local koban is unstaffed at this time of the night. What do to? I’m feeling absolutely awful for that poor pup, it’s 26°C out and he’s in a concrete car park.

  1. Dogs live outside, in nature, right?

    It’s probably not the most comfortable, but it will be fine, or?

  2. Asia doesn’t have much time for overly sentimental Western values regarding animal welfare.

  3. I understand your concern but pet welfare laws are pretty soft here. Animals have the right to food and shelter, not happiness, and the standard of even those differs from what you’re used to.

    The police won’t usually do anything. I’ve had to *work* getting police to do something about two literally dead dogs rotting in the summer sun in a hoarder’s yard.

    A dog is outside a hotel? What else can they do? The dog isn’t allowed inside, the car is even hotter and pet hotels are closed already.

  4. You need to calm down, mind your own business and stop putting animals on a pedestal.

  5. Chained under a car? That poor thing, I can see why you’re worried, that would make me upset to see too. Unfortunately animal protection laws here are a lot less strict here than in many other countries. A friend of mine who’s living with an elderly lady as a lodger is upset about her host’s tendency to constantly put her dog in a small crate or chain it outside. The only thing you can do is probably pet the dog if it’s friendly and give it some attention.

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