Working parents with young kids, how are you managing hoikuen closures due to covid?

I’m at the end of my rope. My 2 year old son’s hoikuen here in Kyoto has been shutting down individual classrooms for 3 or 4 days at a time multiple times a week for the past month as covid makes a resurgence. They have the kids do a pcr test after 1 day off, then we have to wait 2 or 3 days for results before they can go back to school. Only to be repeated again a day or two later. He’s gone to school all of three days the past 3 weeks, and we just got a call that his class will be closed again this week.

I just started a new job last week (WFH) after 2.5 years of no work due to covid. I had to push it back to this week to watch my son, and now this week is fucked as well. I can’t take conference calls with a toddler bugging me to play all day. My wife can’t take any more time off her full time job. We have no support network.

What are we supposed to do? One of us is going to lose our job because of this at this rate.

Please don’t suggest grandparents. My wife’s parents are unwilling, uninterested, and regardless unable to assist. It breaks my heart to know that so many other families are assisted by loving, patient grandparents. Please don’t suggest grandparents.

How are your hoikuens handling things? Ours has offered no official statement or communication apart from shutdowns. No plan or real prevention measures this whole pandemic.

Are there protections in place for workers who need time off to care for kids due to pandemic closures?

Anyone have experience hiring babysitters for this sort of thing while you work from home?

I’ve never felt this sort of crushing stress before. Any ideas or support would be appreciated. I’m in Kyoto if that matters.

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