Canadian and Guatemala driving license. Able to drive in Japan?

Hi everyone!
I wanted to know if some of you have any idea on how to drive in Japan with either a Canadian driving license or a Guatemala driving license.
Thank you very much!
(I forgot to ask for international driving license when I was In Canada so I don’t have it here with me, is there any other solutions?)

  1. If you’ve had your Canadian license for more than 3 months in Canada, then you should be able to convert it over to a Japanese license without *too* much trouble. Still will probably take an entire day.

  2. Your Canadian license card loses its validity when you’re no longer a resident of the province in Canada that issues licenses.

    So even if you had an IDP on your Canadian license, and even though Japan allow you to drive on it for *up to* one year, it technically would be invalid, because the Canadian license it’s tied to is invalid. So keep that in mind if the proper checks were ever done (due to being in an accident or trouble with police). At face value it will give the illusion its valid, but in reality… it’s not.

    Now if you were still a resident of Canada (meaning in Japan as a non-resident) then your Canadian license would still be valid, thus the IDP it’s tied to would be good *for up to 1 year*

    Can’t say the same about Guatemala. But if the card has an address on it, then the same likely applies. Because how can a driving license card be valid, if you don’t reside at the address printed on the card, or even in country that address on the card is in?

    But as other commenters mentioned if you’re a resident of japan, then do the process for exchanging your Canadian license (assuming you’re eligible). If not then you will just have to pass the driving test etc

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