How do you deal with the cigarette smell in your house?

I recently moved to a studio room and the every day the cigarette smell drifted into my room. I already closed my balcony door, but the smell was still coming in. I am thinking of blocking the door with towel, but I am also somebody who likes to air my room. Any suggestion?

  1. You can use Positive Pressure Ventilation in Your Home if you know what side the smells come from.

  2. It will be coming in through vents and maybe main door. check for open areas. Don’t forget tatami vents as well.

  3. Could be your downstairs neighbour smoking on their balcony. There isn’t much to be done apart from keeping your windows shut and sealing off the kitchen fan vent if that is nearby.

  4. it depends on the management company for your building, but smoking might not be allowed in public areas. in my place, it’s not allowed in entry, balcony, stairs/hallway

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