Moving to new apartment for a job; Advice for moving time request


I have been living in Nakano in Tokyo for the past year as a student, and am likely to start a full time job from October. My current house contract in Nakano lasts until the end of September.

I have an offer from one company in Fukuoka already, and am anticipating another from a company in Tokyo next week (this would still warrant a move as it’s not close to Nakano).

I have not yet accepted either job offer yet – I expect I will by next week. Because of this, I have not begun searching or applying for a new place to live yet. This is where I could appreciate some advice.

The company in Fukuoka would like me to start on October 1st. Suppose that I accept this, do you think this is enough time to find a new place to live and complete all the necessary procedures for moving – given that it’s already late August?

My concern is that applying for a new apartment will take too much time – as I’m aware the other moving procedures may need a number of weeks to be completed. For this reason I wonder if I should extend my current house contract in Nakano by one more month.

However, this might just be my anxiety speaking and perhaps I have enough time between now and the end of September.

Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.

  1. You have enough time. My friend found and moved to a new apartment in a different city within 3 weeks. Just speak to the agent your timeline and also seek support from the company (some companies will help you relocate)

  2. Don’t worry, I did the same thing. Just explain to the agent about the need for speed and you can do all the procedures in as little as 2 weeks, 3 weeks usually.

  3. As long as you can decide on a place quickly then I’m sure you can still get the moving companies to take all your stuff there

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