Dual citizenship and birthrates, better for Japan?

Considering what’s going on with the birthrates in Japan, would it be better/more convenient for the country and its people to allow dual citizenship?

Like, why make things harder for a, let’s say, Japanese – American couple?

I want Japan to thrive but I feel like keeping traditions (just one citizenship) just for the sake of it, isn’t going to benefit the country/people.

Thank you in advance.


  1. When did the duel citizenship population grow enough to even matter in the big picture

  2. I generally agree with you but I think a popular opinion amongst LDP politicians and their supporters is that such a kid should be either Japanese and Japanese only or eventually go back to wherever gaikoku their other parent came from (after paying some nenkin if possible).

  3. probably cuz they have limited GDP due to aging populations and don’t want to have to spend it on people leaving the country. And to discourage their women from marrying out, ensure proper gender ratios, keep skilled laborers in their country, not dealing with conflicts with having too much ethnic groups. Having a bunch of thirsty american guys, who can’t speak the langauge, lusting after japanese girls, is a net negative to the country. You know something that perhaps western people would agree with for other migrants.

    Then keep their language and culture intact. Or to prevent people gaining citizenship just by being born like how anyone in canada in the US is automatically given citizenship as long as they are born in there.

    Dual citizenship rarely benefits a country and even in america they are considering revoking citizenships.

  4. It would be. Better and more convenient. If there’s any chance for dual citizenship it’s going to most likely only to be allowed from countries seen as “close” in values or power (percieved) by the Japanese government.

    So basically America, Canada, France, Australia, New Zealand, thr good bits of Europe as determined by where japanese visit.

    Wed never see japanese dual citizenship of sau India or African

  5. They’re not worried about Japanese American couples.

    They’re worried about Chinese Japanese and Korean Japanese couples.

  6. Not sure why you’re focusing on international couples? They can get spousal visas and then PR. Their kids get dual citizenship and will pretty much only face trouble if they become a politician and their opponent decides to attack them with it.

    It’s a barrier for people to obtain naturalize into Japan or out to another country, since they’ll be forced to choose one.

  7. It’s not *that* hard for many people who want to live in Japan to do so without becoming a citizen; sure, the precarity may dissuade some people, but it’s not like that wouldn’t still be an issue for people seeking permanent residence or staying there the 7+(?) years it would take before they could seriously consider naturalisation anyway.

    Of all the structural issues that are negatively influencing Japan’s “demographic crisis,” lack of dual citizenship is way down on the list.

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