Anyone heard if mailchimp– is a scam?

Let’s start with the domain name: mailchimp–, smells a bit off and then there’s this:–
It’s nothing to do with email, instead a product rating gig. Is ok the first few days – JP10,000 (US$70-ish) to start your working day – odd but OK. Have to cash out your deposit with small commissions – odd but OK. Then suddenly – without warning, deposits become as high as JP160,000 (US1100) over a single day and you can’t continue until you pay them. Odd and NOT OK. And this dramatic deposit path isn’t mentioned when starting. Just hooks you in as you go.
And those deposits go to personal named bank accounts at different banks and branches around the country. There doesn’t appear to be a company-affiliated bank account.
There is no physical office address, phone number, no emails, and an outdated Mailchimp logo without “Intuit” in it. There is a no-name Customer service rep who – after I inquire into authenticity, shows a sketchy-looking “authorization to trade” certificate with the wrong CEO name… There is no contract, and they don’t know anything about me beyond my WhatsApp name – is that odd?
No surnames used at all. Odd?
Feels scammy but I wished it didn’t, the WhatsApp support group shows incredible earnings with screenshots of their returns to their bank accounts but then, their name etc are blurred out and lots of inane repetitive chat. My fears are met with “No, no its fine, just do it, I did!”. It’s nothing a handful of scammers couldn’t falsely generate. And oh – it’s in Japan but all these people communicate in English? No Japanese? Unlikely.
So what does anyone think: Scam or no-scam? A non-scam but working around laws/guidelines etc? Or does anyone have proof they’re legit?

  1. You have to first pay them money to start work? Then, after getting a few small returns, the deposit goes high?

    Is there any universe where this isn’t an incredibly obvious Ponzi scheme?

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