Do Japanese girls openly comment a lot about fashion on men?

Basically I never hear Korean girls describe Korean men’s clothing and basically never happens in China, where such a remark would be considered a pick up attempt. But don’t j girls endlessly comment on men’s fashion? You know, yabai, kakkoii, kowai, kirei, etc

  1. i think wherever we are, many people tend to comment on other’s appearance??? i think it’s the matter of whether do they vocalize it or not.

  2. Do Japanese girls openly say hello?

    Basically I never hear Korean girls say hello and basically never happens in China, where such a remark would be considered a pick up attempt. But don’t j girls endlessly say hello?

    Jokes aside this question is worded so oddly. Girls?? Are you like some weird Asian women pickup artist or something?

  3. Yeah, it’s definitely more normal, especially if you’re talking about younger guys. Complimenting a man’s appearance holds an absolutely different meaning than it would in the west. Like, a police officer might way you’re kakkoii in your interaction, which sounds really weird when you translate it.

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