Weekly Weekend Thread – 21 August 2023

It’s Monday! Did you do anything over the weekend? Go somewhere? Meet someone? Try something new?


Post about your activities from the weekend here! Pictures are also welcome.

  1. End-of-Summer-Vacation time with the family. Son saw his first theatrical film, I took the little one to an animal cafe. The staff was really proactive about the creatures abusing the display creatures, so that was nice.

    Attempted to go grass sledding yesterday, but those mountains in the middle of Miyagi sent s home in a massive thunder/rainstorm that had me cackling while my wife and kids were freaking out.

    Also, realizing my son and wife had the same awareness of Super Gameboy existing (none), led to some fun.

  2. Harvested our Watermelon in the garden since the plant died due to heat/humidity. Not a huge one, I’d say about Ø20cm-30cm. Extremely tasteful, probably the best Suika we’ve had this year. almost no green part. Looking forward to the melon in a few days.

  3. Slept. A lot. Didn’t realize how sleep deprived I was.

    Cracked 12 out of 20 eggs I brought in transit, decided to improvise some chocolate crepes. They turned out surprisingly good?? Froze them, I think I have enough to last 2 weeks of breakfasts

  4. Went to *Kona’s Coffee* for the first time ever. For those who don’t know – it’s a chain of wonderful Hawaiian-themed casual restaurants serving various things such as poke bowls, Hawaiian coffee, and of course, pancakes.

    I wasn’t expecting the atmosphere to be so beautiful and so spot on. I recommend it to everyone who wants to feel Hawaii in the last weeks of summer. 😊

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