JLPT Results Are Online

They were supposed to go up at 10AM, but seems like they’re already online. How’d you guys do?

I for sure thought I failed, but I passed N2. Not bad for winging it…

  1. N1, 176/180 56|60|60

    Honestly felt super insecure abt my N1 attempt knowing that most of my mates, all of whom are really fluent in Japanese, barely passed their respective N1 exams. Glad it worked out for me in the end.

  2. Finally passed the N2. Took me 2 years from the N3 to get it (it’s been a pretty busy 2 years mind you).

  3. Definitely didn’t wing it, I did anki reviews and read thru several N1 books. Took a few N1 practice papers and couldn’t pass any.

    Chickened out & did N2 instead because I don’t have time to devote to JLPT when there’s more practical things I could be doing.

    So I took N2, got 130/180.

    I was hoping to score higher because when taking the test, immediately it felt way easier than any N1 paper I did.

    Ironically, the vocab section was my lowest scoring section, and that section had a few words I knew only because I learned them for N1.

    For anybody here who has done both N1 & N2, am I correct in that the gap between the 2 is extremely large? At least for the reading section?

  4. I passed N3!! 🎉 Trying to issue the certificate of results and scores because my uni needs it, it says I have to tick the checkbox before clicking ‘apply certificate issue’ but there’s no checkbox anywhere?? Am I being stupid lmfao

  5. Did it come out for “other countries”?🥺 Its still gray compared to other ones I’m not sure if they r up

  6. Passed N2! Just barely, 93/180. My strategic test-taking approach worked basically exactly as expected, and similar to the practice tests… sacrificing a good chunk of grammar questions to make time for reading, and still only getting 23/60 on reading 😅.

  7. Failed N1. Had a 50/50 feeling before and it was right. Hate to go to work today and tell my boss about it just to be told to try again in December. I’ve had it studying for the test…

  8. I didn’t get to finish studying any book and flashcards so I expected the possibility of failing N2, but it turns out I passed. Thank God for context clues.

    I know JLPT is “useless” and I have indeed managed to find jobs without it, but some employers (better employers) do look at it. N2 takes me to the fighting level against my Chinese counterparts. N1 with my job experience, I could slap people with. (This last statement is a joke.)

  9. Failed N2 by 1 point. But out of 4 times this is the highest my score has ever been.

  10. Passed N2! I was feeling pretty confident, but there’s always that part of you that’s like “what if I was so off I didn’t even know I was doing poorly.” Nah, 162/180, we good.

  11. I unfortunately haven’t gotten around to taking the language study seriously, but I’m extremely proud of all of you.

  12. First JLPT test ever, and I passed N1 with 164/180 and one point shy of perfect on the reading section. I’m honestly just happy my first test was my last ever.

  13. Passed n3 when I was sure I failed. 97/180. I’m super happy because I struggled a lot with my toddler at home. I took n4 in December 2021 so I feel big progress

  14. Passed N4, second attempt. ‘It ain’t much but it’s honest work’ guys. Ready to be beaten by N3 in December

  15. Oh my, I passed N3!

    I was more than sure that I will fail. It was my first attempt to any JLPT ever and as soon as I got out from the exam room, I was incredibly disappointed.

    I didn’t score well, 133/180, but damn it, I was sure that at best I’d get something about 80 points.

    So, yes, now to N2 I guess…

  16. I took the N3, and it was my first ever JLPT. I started studying from scratch just under 18th months ago in January.



    For 138/180 total

    Safe to say I’m buzzing! Though slightly annoyed they lumped grammar in with the first section since I know I got every single question right on it, which was brought down by my terrible grammar.

    Hey ho! On to the next one. Still really happy.

  17. Got 180/180 on N3, which is not as impressive as it sounds when you consider how long I’ve been in Japan…

  18. December last year I wanted to try N2 in July 2023. I barely passed N3 self-mock-exam at that time and have been studying Japanese for 1.5 years, but my ex said N2 is too hard. She’s been studying Japanese for 7 yrs and still far from it, and recommended me to do N3 instead. I broke up with her and strived for N2 to prove her wrong.

    Passed N2 now 😀

    (She still hasn’t got the guts to take the test even in July 2023)

  19. First time taking the JLPT, and wasn’t feeling very confident afterwards, but also felt it wasn’t completely hopeless. I passed the N2 130/180. I’m surprised because I finished learning the N3 grammar in May, so I only had 2 months to study for N2. Huge relief 🎉

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