What to do about changing address?

Hi friends!

We are on a working holiday visa and have our address at Minato City for a place we short rented for a month but now we are moving around for the next few months until we are at an Airbnb for a month.

What do we do about notifying address? We emailed around but no one has gotten back to us. When we went to city hall when we first got to Japan they said don’t put on hotels soo anyone know?

Thank you so much for any help <3

  1. Instead of an AirBNB why don’t you guys just move into a share house? Pretty sure it will be much cheaper and you would have a fixed address.

  2. Yeah hotel isn’t allowed to be register as your address. Normally you have 14 days to file the register/deregister with the ward office. There was this [reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/movingtojapan/comments/qujop3/airbnb_with_the_working_holiday_visa/) and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/movingtojapan/comments/wt5r2z/renting_airbnbhotels_on_a_working_holiday_visa/) might help you a bit. Ward office does check the address to see if its a hotel when presenting to them, the main concern seems like if you are able to receive mails or not.

  3. My company and I have been living in a Hotel for ~2 years now. You are required to register at the ward office of that location within 14 days (my team was 6mo late on this and nothing happened). There is a form that the hotel provided to tell the ward office that we’re living there during our time in Japan. My resident card now has the hotel’s address.

    We do stay at the Sheraton, Marriott ($250/night) – so the staffs have been very accommodating in getting us adjusted. Hope this helps and leads you in the right direction.

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