What is a good leaving gift to give to my coworkers?

So I am an ALT working at two schools and in a couple of weeks I will be leaving my current schools. I want to give the teachers a sort of farewell gift as I have been there for 4 years but I am not sure what kind of gifts would be good.
I was thinking some British snacks but again I am not sure what or where to get them in Japan that the teachers would enjoy. I am not too close with them (other than the ones I work with) but maybe I would like to write a little card or note which I would give to each of the teachers.
What do you think?

  1. so i haven’t left any of my schools yet, but i had some teachers who i really enjoyed working with leave this spring. i wrote them each a short letter (nothing overly detailed, just a paragraph or so) about how much i enjoyed working with them and how much i appreciated them helping me with various things. i was specific so the letters were personal. writing a letter or card to every teacher would get pretty tiring, so maybe just save that for the teachers you work closely with. i’m sure they’ll be happy to know that you enjoyed your time with them.

    other than that, candy is a great farewell gift. i would say that you should follow the rules of omiyage here—individually wrapped and preferably edible. it’ll be a nice gesture to leave on. 🙂

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