About Zen Buddhist studies in Japan (foreign student)

Hello, im majoring in philosophy. My field of research is Zen Buddhism (mostly Rinzai sect) and poetry (especially haiku) related to Zen Buddhism. The reason why i’m focusing on Rinzai is because of Chinese influences like Daoism and Confucianism and the arts like tea-ceremony, calligraphy, landscape etc.
I’m not competent in Japanese yet but im improving. I’m currently on my second year of university, i have roughly 3 years for graduation. For masters and, hopefully, doctorate i wanna keep on studying Zen and zen poetry.
I looked up for universities that has Buddhist studies. Options are:

Komazawa Uni. (Soto sect)
Hanazono Uni. (Rinzai sect)
Ryokoku Uni.
Bukkyo Uni. (Pure Land Buddism)
Aichi Gakuin Uni. (Also Soto sect)

The only Rinzai oriented university that i could find is Hanazono Uni. I don’t mind the sect difference, what should i do? Should i stick to this universities and prepare for JLPT or should i continue my studies somewhere in Europe or USA? I think it’s easier to find scholarships from both my country and European countries than from Japan(?), i might be wrong on this one tho. (ofc i will still study Japanese and Chinese for texts)

If you had attended or heard about these universities, please give me insight. I don’t want to waste my years, hard work and money on false hopes.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **About Zen Buddhist studies in Japan (foreign student)**

    About Zen Buddhist studies in Japan (foreign student)

    Hello, im majoring in philosophy. My field of research is Zen Buddhism (mostly Rinzai sect) and poetry (especially haiku) related to Zen Buddhism. The reason why i’m focusing on Rinzai is because of Chinese influences like Daoism and Confucianism and the arts like tea-ceremony, calligraphy, landscape etc.
    I’m not competent in Japanese yet but im improving. I’m currently on my second year of university, i have roughly 3 years for graduation. For masters and, hopefully, doctorate i wanna keep on studying Zen and zen poetry.
    I looked up for universities that has Buddhist studies. Options are:

    Komazawa Uni. (Soto sect)
    Hanazono Uni. (Rinzai sect)
    Ryokoku Uni.
    Bukkyo Uni. (Pure Land Buddism)
    Aichi Gakuin Uni. (Also Soto sect)

    The only Rinzai oriented university that i could find is Hanazono Uni. I don’t mind the sect difference, what should i do? Should i stick to this universities and prepare for JLPT or should i continue my studies somewhere in Europe or USA? I think it’s easier to find scholarships from both my country and European countries than from Japan(?), i might be wrong on this one tho. (ofc i will still study Japanese and Chinese for texts)

    If you had attended or heard about these universities, please give me insight. I don’t want to waste my years, hard work and money on false hopes.

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