tell me japanese thing

I don’t know that Japan seen from they.
Of course,I know Jpan’s charm is liked many people. Japan’s media dislike negative I want to know ”what Our don’t know something like not good”. in particular,social,culture,health,education,more. Other what is happening in the world now like our don’t know.else tell me recommended news application.
I’m sorry if the sentence isn’t enough consideration. Other what is happening in the world now.

  1. I honestly have zero clue what is being asked here, and I really tried to parse it. Not one clue.

  2. I think the question is “what negative points do people from other countries not like about Japan?” I don’t like Japan’s work culture – I would hate to work as much as they expect to work each day. I hear it leads to lots of suicide.
    I also hear they are quite racist, so that’s bad.

  3. As someone else said, i think what OP is trying to say here is they’d like know which aspects of Japan we don’t like.

    Personally I don’t like their work culture and how their society doesn’t encourage individualism.

    There’s this spanish youtuber i follow who’s been living in Spain for a bunch of years, and he came back to Spain on a trip for like a month. He and his japanese wife started talking about how outrageous it was seeing people having a drink with friends in the afternoon on a weekday when they should be at work or something. He then self reflected and went like omg, what have i become.

  4. Thank you for give comments. my sentence is difficult althrough you could deciphered and said thier opinions.they is very informative.
    lastly,I can’t drink liquor.I’m just stupid.

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