General Discussion Thread – 22 August 2023

Mid-week discussion thread time! Feel free to talk about what’s on your mind, new experiences, recommendations, anything really.

  1. Recently back from 3-plus weeks in the States and experiencing sticker shock. Pretty much everything but gasoline was much cheaper there. Some stuff like eggs, bottled water (beyond the always cheaper fruit, dairy, and produce ) were like half the price of what I get at my grocery stores here in Kansai. If my kid ate any more canteloupe, they’d have turned orange! (300 yen here for one or two little slices; 1-2 dollars for an entire melon in the US.)

    Only restaurants seemed comparably priced. Naturally we didn’t eat at McDonalds (Five Guys and Red Robin though!) but I did check the infamous Big index out of curiosity and it was the exact same price as Japan.

    Lastly, as someone who bought a house here about 5 years ago, it was galling seeing that what gets you a 3 or 4LDK with land about 20cm wider than the house here in Osaka would get you a big two-story with a huge yard in the States. Then again, with all the push-mowing and yardwork I helped with while home, maybe I made the right choice, hehe.

    Anyway, I’ve seen some posts about the relative costs of living between Japan and the US/UK/OZ and how much more expensive it is abroad. I wonder if all those posters live in California or NYC because that is the exact opposite of what I’ve seen.

  2. Can someone recommend a gastroenterologist in Tokyo that speaks English and accepts national health insurance? I have a gastric ulcer that I’ve been trying to fix with my doctor but it is only getting worse.

  3. Helped out with new ALT orientation yesterday and came to the realization that English teaching may not be a good option for me beyond this year. I’m still going to finish my TEFL certificate, but I think it may be time to dust off the ol biochemistry degree and study Japanese with more urgency.

  4. To the whole 10 or so of us that have gamepass in Japan, the price is going up to ¥1210 a month. Still cheaper than the states and a great deal.

  5. When does High School baseball end? I’m so sick of it fucking up my kids’ NHK e-tele schedule. They go bonkers when it gets cut.

  6. Lost the NTT bill last month so couldn’t pay. I thought this month my bill with double for sure but it didn’t? Not complaining but it’s kinda weird.

  7. We have lived in an UR apartment for over 2 years, the mold in the bathroom is out of control. Its building up on the glue sealant that borders the tub, floor, drain, door, etc. The only way to fix it would be to remove it all and put in new stuff. Does anyone know if UR will fix things like this? Is it possible to do it yourself?

  8. “Chicken has gone bad if it’s slimy”

    bro the default state of raw chicken is slimy.

  9. さすが and 頭文字G by GADORO has to be two of the most satisfying Japanese rap songs I’ve heard in a while

  10. I’ve been purchasing 300 yen pizzas from the local grocery store. Initially, I believed they might be on par with the less-than-stellar Totino’s frozen pizzas, but they have pleasantly exceeded my expectations.

  11. It’s been a rough couple of days of personal rejections. One that really kicked me in the crotch of my soul, and another that was just sorta the icing on the cake. Sometimes you forget that people can be shitty to each other. I feel mentally and emotionally exhausted, and this year in general has just been taxing to say the least.

  12. Need advice about my 転職活動.

    I’m pretty young and naive as a syakaijin. 2.5 years in a game company.
    Recently I updated my Linkedin Account and say I’m looking for a job, then there are a lot of scout DM me. I picked one of them and they connect me with a bigger publisher video game company. (A pretty well known one)

    After I sent them my resume they offer me to interview with them and apply as a 第二新卒.
    What does this different with normal 転職?
    I also pretty sure they will ask me why do I want to leave my last company, but I am not sure how to answer this. If I get honest, it will be the last company is paying me dirt cheap that I don’t find it’s a livable wage anymore with the recent crazy inflation. But the company is very good otherwise, perfect culture, no overtime, good manager, good HR, if money is not an issue it’s the kind of company I will stay forever.

    Should I be honest in my interview?

  13. I’m scared of moving to Osaka but if I don’t I would be unemployed for another month or two, and I don’t like seeing my savings moving towards depletion.

    I just don’t think that I could keep up with Osaka vibes whatever that is.

  14. I may be moving to Yamagata (from Tokyo) in 2-3 weeks, and I need to get an apartment or sharehouse by the time I arrive.

    Can I expect to find a place in time if I just search for rooms on Suumo? Or would it be better for me to contact a realtor office in Yamagata and explain my situation?

  15. I’m drunk and gonna flex that I’m late for a party because Japanese people are asking ME for directions.

  16. I don’t think it’s possible to dislike Asami “Mito-chan” Miura from Zip! She’s always got such a goofy smile, seems genuinely nice, and gets flustered when she does the “Breakfast with Asami” corner and something doesn’t go well.

  17. Stupid question here: why are all women constantly retouching their make up and hairs on public transports when all the men are constantly reading manga or playing videogames on their phones?

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